Tuesday, October 13, 2009

So What is SABI?

Let's start with what is SABI??? and later I will explain how I got to think of it...

So SABI is a Japanese term for " beauty or serenity that comes with age, when the life of the object and its impermanence are evidenced in its patina and wear, or in any visible repairs"

I decided to create a brand catering to the growing aging population in the world, and wanted to find a name that was:

  • Cool and easy to pronounce
  • Not ecessarily associated with age (preferabally not at all)

  • I wanted to have a nice Asian flavor to it due to both the aesthetic view they have and the way the Japanese treat their seniors
On the left you can see the overall look and feel of the logo and the brand - The products will incorporate another couple of colors but we wanted a more iPod look, crisp, cool, young and slick

The great (or atleast I think it is great and dozens of focus groups I help as well :-)) design was made by good personal friends of mine Herstein-Cassuto studio http://www.hc-branding.com/ a husband and wife extremely talented team of brand designers

Later I will explain what the brand is and how I got to the idea

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