Tuesday, October 27, 2009

If life is like a roller coaster - then being an entrepreneur is like living in Six Flags

Today I just wanted to share something which for some will seem quite trivial and in a way a daily manner - the emotions roller coaster in the life of an entrepreneur

In the past several months I had amazing highs and lows and in a way sometimes I miss the stable lifestyle I had before.
Every meeting you leave you are either on cloud 9 or at the bottom of the abyss, there are very few meetings, calls, conferences I held that left me neutral.
The interesting thing is that both good and bad meetings make me more resolved and eager to prove either that I was right or that the other person was wrong...

I am also a big believer in "Analysis Paralysis" - basically, the more you dwell on an idea and research it the higher the prospect of killing it.
This doesn't mean that I don't believe in research and learning about the topic (working in both Intel Capital and McKinsey taught me that), it is just that there is a lot of research that shows that successful companies are essentially working on plan C and D so the importance of getting it right on plan A isn't that important - enough to read Professor John Mullins (from LBS) Getting to Plan B: Breaking Through to a Better Business Model, co-authored with Randy Komisar, a partner at venture capital firm Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield, & Byers to understand this point.

This means for me that the drive to start something in what I believe to be the right market is more important then getting all of the pieces right from the get-go, the idea is to surround yourself with top caliber people and learn from everyone, be flexible to adjust and make fast corrections on things that are going wrong.

Hence - my new focus now is trying to find a co-founder that will complete my skills and bring new perspectives and spirit to the team.

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