Thursday, October 15, 2009

The seniors market - or why this is the market Sabi decided to pursue

Firstly, and I know I know I know this is a challenge - NO ONE SEES ITSELF as a senior. There are tons of question marks??? regarding what is considered senior - I am looking at 50+ although I don't view them as seniors just using this term (sorry sorry sorry). There are several other names but non of which is really good - seniors, maturing, greying, aging, 3rd age - let me know which one do you think is best. Within these markets there is the 50-75 and the 75+ populations - we will use the term the boomers for the 50+ for now.

You (which is probably just me since I am very skeptic anyone is reading this blog) are asking yourself, why go to such an unsexy market - the aging population???

Here is some info:
  • Seniors are the fastest growing and largest age group (aprox 40% of the population) - Every eight seconds, an American turns 50
  • 50+ are responsible for more than 40% of retail spending
  • Seniors today are very different from the previous seniors - the first boomers -- members of the generation born between 1946 and 1964 - just turned 60
  • Seniors’ attitudes towards age are changing - For example, the average age of first time Harley Davidson owners has risen to 59 years and Ferrari are now designing cars to
    make them easier to get in and out of so as to appeal to Seniors
  • The Economist reports that 95% of marketing and advertising budgets are still aimed at consumers under 50 years old (2007)
  • A survey by OMD UK finds that 86% of seniors feel ignored by marketers (2008)

This is a combination of research findings from McKinsey, Economist, Barron's, DataMonitor and more

For me all of the above data shows there is a space for an interesting play here

What I discovered is that there is a lack of brands catering to this space -most of the brands I found were either pharma (Viagra) or luxury cars (BMW, Merc etc') and there are no real consumer brands or very very few of them that are actually catering to them.

One such brand is OXO , which I love and has done an amazing job with targeting this population but with the help of amazing products and smart design created a universal design that fits everyone. Another interesting brand I recently found is Arc42 (couldn't find their official website but can be seen in several shopping sites)

SABI is all about creating cool and innovative brand of products to help and improve the quality of life and easy living of this growing population


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