Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Full gas in neutral

This is one of these blogs that I just need a place to vent, I haven't written in 20 days since I was really hoping that this post would be the happy conclusion of the funding. However, life does not work like that, so what is the current status???
Overall, I am looking to raise an angel round of $1M, I budgeted it all and was looking for a budget that would allow me to work (assuming zero income will come in) for 18 months and focus on Sabi and not be over busy all the time with fund raising.
I promised my investors that I will only "call" the money when I have the full commitments, what happens is that I currently have ~$750K of confirmed funds and still need the extra $250K. I have quite a few hot leads that I am talking with but nothing concrete yet.

The thing is that it is like a dance sometimes you move two steps forward and one back and sometimes it is the other way around two back and one forward.

What I find very difficult is the full dependancy on someone else, I know I know in sales it is the same story but I can't say it doesn't frustrate me. I am sitting at home in my office, I pushed forward everything I can to the max. Researched and talked to gazzilion of people, set up the operational plan, structured the design process, talked to retailers (which you can do to a limited extent since I don't have the products ready so far), have the legal and structures in place and now just need to put the fuel in the car to get it moving...

This is very much counter my character to stand still, I am literally climbing the walls
BUT I am certain we will get it done and close this round and sooner rather than later and then we will move full steam ahead

That's it - wow I really needed that

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