Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Focus Focus and Focus

This post is mostly about me scolding myself,
Overall in life and specifically in business I am a big believer in Focus - a company should find what it is good at and push on that front, focus on a product, a kind of customers, a distribution channel and be the best in the world in that.
However, slowly in Sabi I started to diverge and in a way Sabi's focus was ALL OVER THE PLACE. I noticed it yesterday when I was meeting a potential investor, it was less about the investor's feedback (which he actually really like Sabi) it was the fact that I noticed that instead of focus, maybe because I wanted to have ready answers to investors I was catering to waaaayyy too many things.

Well today (which is my birthday Dec. 22nd) since it is as good day as any for some reflection I am taking a look at Sabi and trying to see where do we want to focus on in order to maximize our success.

On another note - The course I structured with Bezalel is getting to his ending and in the last couple of weeks I received some amazing ideas for products. It basically proves the point (at least in my mind) that smart and creative people can come up with tons of good ideas and at the end it is all about execution of the ideas.

Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all

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