Thursday, June 3, 2010

Just like the world cup - We are also at Kick-Off time

SO.... We got the funding to start moving and now this is one of my favorite times
You make a long list of things:
Designers - Check
Website - Check
Copy Writer - Need to find
Cataloges - Need to learn
Accountant - Check
Legal - Check

And so it goes forever, the only difference is that finally you can actually make decisions and not just discuss generalities. It feels so good, everyday you push it all a bit forward.
I basically view my role as a big coordinator or more specifically like the role of Operations Officer in the military - checking up with EVERYONE that all is going according to plan, addressing issues prior to them developing and motivating the troops.

Along the way I am also learning what to do in 3 - 6 -9 months forward.
For instance, last week I met in Boston a cool company called BzzAgent - - they are a Word-of-mouth marketing network working with 600K consumer volunteers and they are helping spread the word fast about ones product - since I have limited resources I thought this can be a cool option and I met them at their office and really liked the guys, which stands together with one of my principals of trying to work with people I like.

This week I am off to NYC for a week and have many meetings aligned there and then off for the summer to San Francisco where I will mostly focus on creating the website and social networks awareness and will learn from the best there

Enough for now