Monday, January 11, 2010

The Journey continues

Well - the new year has started, we went to the West coast for some much needed break (some Snowboarding in Tahoe, Napa and visiting some good friends).
Since this all fund raising process has been going on forever and I have no income coming I had to reevaluate the venture (also got several calls from Head hunters, which always makes you think) - However, I came back from the trip more pumped and charged than ever.

I think a big part was due to a discussion I had with two good friends who said - let's say you are taking this nice lucrative job in X company, then in a year you will probably be in the same position as before, it is not trivial to have a cool idea that you believe in and we would have switch positions with you in a second if possible.

I know it will be a tough road but I am even more convinced than ever that I have something great in hand and that I can make a difference and make it happen.

From the second I came back from the break all I can do is reach out to potential investors, work on the financial models to update some of assumptions, build a secondary model assuming a lower investment sum and fine tuning the product offering.

Many entrepreneurs say that it is always hard at the beginning and in a way it is "You against the world" - well it never scared me before and I am confident I will be triumphant coming out of it...
It is also a good point to mention that it is great to have some investors who believe in me and are still sticking with me although some of the initial momentum has died off - I am really appreciative of it - won't be forgotten.

That's it for now