Monday, November 9, 2009

Funding is like the GMAT...

I just came back (yesterday) from a 10 day business trip to Israel working on several fronts:
I officially launched the joint course with Bezalel School of Design, gave a presentation with regards to what we are looking for and now it is in the capable hands of the two course instructors Yedidia Blonder and Raanan Volk and the ~ 45 capable and creative students.

The main purpose of the trip was the close the funding for Sabi, as I said before it is very difficult to get funding for such a venture in general and at the current market status specifically.
I actually got very warm responses, I believe it also has a lot to do with the great progress we made as well as the fact that this time we had specific products to discuss and share (previously it was just the concept) and if everything works well I really hope that in the next several weeks I will close the round and start really pushing the business forward.

A good friend told me before that until one was able to raise angel money one doesn't know what a hard sale is - well I have to agree, the ability to sell someone on your idea is a great great achievement. As an entrepreneur one is ALWAYS selling but when pitching for money an entrepreneur is in hyper drive.

The analogy I made to GMAT is something I really wish for, when I applied to Biz school the GMAT was one of the hardest hurdles initially, but the second I finished with it (720 after 2 tries for those curious) it became in significant and I was totally focused on the rest of the application - this is what I am hoping in Sabi's case so I could focus on the actual business and move forward and put the funding part to rest

That's it for now